Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just wondering . . .

if we are going to pick our newest book. I think this month has been crazy for all of us, and so I was thinking - since December isn't likely to get any less busy - if we should pick a book now to be for both months, November and December. What do you think? And I know Cat definitely has other things on her plate right now (ie. having her baby), but I was wondering who has the list of books we submitted to choose from?

PS. And I apologize for not getting to October's book. It looked so good, but October hit me like a train (a wonderful train, but still a train) and I am still recovering :).

PPS. Jessie, we would love to have you!!


Anonymous said...

The schedule has been made. Melissa has it b/c I can't post it on the site. Now that she is done with the Sav Film Festival, it should be up soon.
Are you kidding me? Enough on my plate? All I do is sit and walk and wait for this baby to come out!! But thanks for thinking of me!! :)

Kyla Marks said...

I'm up for whatever, 1 book for 2 months of 1 book each month. We'll be closing on the new house, but reading is a must...