Monday, November 30, 2009

Mrs. Mike Discussion Questions

Hey everyone!!! I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving weekend and you were able to enjoy all the turkey and pumpkin pie you wanted. I know I did. A little too much.

Anyway, it's time for the discussion of Mrs. Mike by Benedict & Nancy Freeman. I looked online to see if there were any reading guides for this book, and struck out. Nothing. So, I grabbed some generic questions and I'm hoping you can just adapt the questions to the book as best as you are able. (I'm lousy thinking up questions myself.) Anyway, I'm going to post the questions now, and come back with my own answers later on tonight. Two of my four kids have been sick today, so I'll come back after they are in bed to answer.

  • What was unique about the setting of the book and how did it enhance or take away from the story?
  • What specific themes did the author emphasize throughout the novel? What do you think he or she is trying to get across to the reader?
  • Do the characters seem real and believable? Can you relate to their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know?
  • How do characters change or evolve throughout the course of the story? What events trigger such changes?
  • Did certain parts of the book make you uncomfortable? If so, why did you feel that way? Did this lead to a new understanding or awareness of some aspect of your life you might not have thought about before? 
  • What was your favorite part of the story? Least favorite?
Okay, there you go everyone. Sorry I am so late in posting this, and I will be back with my answers later tonight. I am excited to see what you all thought of this book!

Any takers?

I'm just getting organized for the next few months and giving us all a headstart on books, especially for those whose library systems aren't very fast. So do I have any takers for January, February and March? Thanks for those who have been participating. It's so fun to have so many comments!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Turkey Day Poem for Your Thanksgiving Day

Oh I'm glad I'm not a turkey, a turkey, a turkey.
Oh I'm glad I'm not a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
They stuff you and bake you and then they all taste you.
Oh I'm glad I'm not a turkey on Thanksgiving Day!
(from my daughter's kindergarten poetry folder!)

Happy Thanksgiving! Don't forget our discussion for Mrs. Mike!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Okay, the book for this month is Mrs. Mike, by Benedict & Nancy Freedman. Thanks all for helping me choose... I'm excited to see what you think of this book.

For the book discussion at the end, I will probably post questions on the 30th of November unless there is a reason not to... I just know the weekend before is Thanksgiving weekend, and the days preceding that are going to busy for most of us, so let me know how Monday, the 30th sounds for you. If there are no objections then we'll just keep it to that day.