Sunday, November 1, 2009

Okay, the book for this month is Mrs. Mike, by Benedict & Nancy Freedman. Thanks all for helping me choose... I'm excited to see what you think of this book.

For the book discussion at the end, I will probably post questions on the 30th of November unless there is a reason not to... I just know the weekend before is Thanksgiving weekend, and the days preceding that are going to busy for most of us, so let me know how Monday, the 30th sounds for you. If there are no objections then we'll just keep it to that day.


Lisa Brown said...

Sounds great!

Kyla Marks said...

Good for me too, I'm excited about the book

Melissa said...

I'm almost done with Mrs. Mike. I've got about 30 pages left and I've really been enjoying it. You might have noticed - but I've been in a little bit of "book club burn out" for a while, however this book is getting me back. Thanks for such a fun pick, Michelle.