Sunday, May 3, 2009

Three cups of Tea discussion

Honestly.... I'm not done yet!

So if you don't mind, I'd like to postpone our discussion until May 14. And then if there is anyone else who is a little behind, we can all have more time.

In the mean time, let's also start on our May book. I'm so excited to read it! Once again, not in my library so I have to do some hunting, but it sounds good enough to motivate me.

Where are you in "Three Cups of Tea?" I'm about 1oo pages into it. The main guy just returned to the USA to raise money for the bridge.


Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

I started a while ago, but the girl I borrowed the book from moved and I had to return it, I'm picking it up from the library today to finish this week!

Lisa Brown said...

I ended up listening to it on CD, since it was so hard to get from the library. That is totally fine if we postpone. Don't forget to read this month's book though :).

Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

I just finished and am in awe at what one man has accomplished. I learned so much and now want to make a difference too! I was really inspired by his dedication and what he has gone through. I am also grateful that his wife allowed him to leave her so often to work and give. What a great family. They all sacrifice to better the world. I could do so much more!