Monday, November 24, 2008


Man I totally just realized I needed to post the discussion questions last week, I hope everyone enjoyed the book as much as I did. I was so glad to reread the book and also have a little break from intense reading here lately. Coming up with questions is not my strong point, so I borrowed others. So here goes...

1.Do you think the novel is a tale of redemption, despair, or both? Discuss the novel's meaning to you.

I think the novel is a mixture, I wish Heathcliff and Catherine could have been together, but understand why things happened the way they did. Class was such a big deal back then and Heathcliff was really given the tough deal. I think Catherine and Heathcliff marry others out of necessity and not true love. I think Heathcliff lives his life in despair after Catherine's death and they both torment each other with their unrequited love. This novel is one of my favorites, the depth of love and the description Emily Bronte uses to describe the moors makes me want to travel back and see more of the country side.

2. Do you think Bronte succeeds in creating three-dimensional figures in
Heathcliff and Cathy, particularly given their larger-than-life metaphysical passion? Why or why not?

I think she does a wonderful job, I can really feel their emotions and the depth of their feelings for each other and their physical yurning for each other in the afterlife.

3. Do you pity Edgar Linton or feel he can't help loving Catherine, just as she and Heathcliff can't help loving each other?

I feel he loves his wife, but doesn't understand why she is in love with another man and can do nothing to stop that. Obviously divorces were unheard of, so he loved her as best he could. He in no way compares to Heathcliff to me, who yes can be overly dramatic and cruel...but something about him still pulls me in. I think it's his passion is everything he does, his feelings for Catherine...his sadness and shear insanity after her death, if he does something it's to the fullest.

4. Ok anyone else have any questions? Feel free to post below or just give your feelings on the book in general. Happy Thanksgiving!


Lisa Brown said...

Did the month already end? I still haven't pulled my copy out of the storage closet. I promise I will get reading asap and then post my comments.

Unknown said...

I had such a tough time finishing this book we have been so busy. I thought that it was sad that Heathcliff was treated the way he was.

1. I think it was both.
2. I think the way she created the characters made it easy to understand how their lives turned out and why they were only happy and miserable with each other.
3. I feel that he just couldn't help love Catherine.
The movie from the library was interesting too.

Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

I really struggled reading this book. It is my first time and I felt like it was such a downer, so I really appreciate your comments to the positive. It helps me see it from a different perspective.

I felt like the novel was definately a tale of despair until the end. The redemption comes in the children finding love when they have not been shown compassion. I think they were loved, just not in the way I would show love. I felt frustrated by Catherine's depth of feeling for Heathcliff, and yet sometimes she seemed so shallow in her appreciation and how she showed her love, to both men. I think she was fond of Edgar, but loved him as a friend or almost a pet. Heathcliff, she was passionate about, but so fickle and sometimes so demeaning to him. Heathcliff was so passionate, he was cruel. I really felt for him the same way as I did for Scarlett O' Hara. I kept hoping for some redemption, some compassion, some turn around and it never came. I felt sorry for him to be so consumed by hatred and vengence. I feel like he passed up the opportunity to be a truly great man by learning from his past and turning it around to create a better today.

I felt that the characters were very well developed. I may not have liked them, but they were strong.

I don't pity Edgar. He chose Catherine. I think he was happy with her until Heathcliff came back. I think Edgar is an optomist. He has all the faith in the world that he can just love Catherine enough to turn her affections to him. There's no way, but he maintains that hope.

I'm glad it ended with a true love, that was peaceful. It took some heavy trials to happen, and some horrible examples of love, but it ended on a note of hope instead of storm and passion and unrest. I'm glad she ended that way.