Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Northanger Abbey

I just wanted to let everyone know I wasn't going to be able to discuss this months book. I waited too long to get it from the library and all of them were checked out in the ones by me. Now I have one on order and it will be available in a week...
I heard you all say it was wonderful...so I can't wait to get it. All the high school/college kids must be reading it or either another book club borrowed our idea. I am excited for next months book and am going to request it now.


Tam said...

So what did everyone Think of Northanger Abbey? I was just wondering. Sometimes I got so frustrated with how naive the main Character was. I had not read any Austen for such a long time and it was good to take a stroll down this path again.

Unknown said...

I would like to join this book club

Melissa said...

Welcome to the club, Crystal. I just emailed you the invitation. How did you stumble upon our little J'aime Lire?