Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Book drawing today!

Happy May Day! I walked past a group of school children dancing around a May pole in Calhoun Square this morning. It was decorated with pink ribbon and flowers - like a real May Day pole. I'd love to be outside dancing around with them, instead of sitting in an office. Oh well...

With today being the first, it is the last call to post book suggestions for this month. If you have something to add - which I hope you do - then leave it as a comment to this post. Amber said she will draw for us tonight (yay!) then we can all get reading.

Amber also told me she sent a few more invites out, so welcome to you new and fellow book-lovers. Take a minute to introduce yourself - we would love to hear who you are, what you like to read, your favorite book, and your 2 book suggestions for this month.

Now for some busines: Some of you have asked what our book club name means and how to pronounce it. 'J'aime lire' is french for 'I love to read.' Yes, that is about all the french I remember from my years of study - enough to give us an exotic book club name.

It is pronounced something like this: 'Gem lyre,' (as in the english pronunciation for both those words - 'gem' with a soft 'g' and 'lyre' like the instrument. That is not exact, but close enough. I'm not sure how to explain it in writing any better.

Alright - speak up about what you want to read this month, or forever hold your peace - until June 1st anyway.


Lisa Brown said...

Since I haven't heard any different, is it too late to put in an idea? How about "Twighlight" by Stephanie Meyer? I have heard great things about it - http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?EAN=9780316015844&x=0507505

Oh, and I am Lisa from Savannah, GA. I LOVE reading, am a mother of two, and can't wait to find some fun new books.

Lisa Brown said...

ps. if you want to know more about me, visit my blog, www.lisabrown.typepad.com