I thought we might just get back on track and revive the book group with a classic. My son is reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and I thought it might be fun to read along! So how about it, we can discuss it around the 20th of September. Either that or The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James
Let's also pick someone for the next two months following...
October and November and I vote we break in December and start up again full swing in January. All in favor? Say Aye!
Both sound fun, as i have never read either. And I agree that we should get someone to pick the books for Oct and Nov as well. Sounds like a plan. And if nobody volunteers, I can take a month.
PS. Melissa, were you able to send an invitation to the girl who asked if she could join a few weeks ago?
I'll make an executive decision and go with Tom Sawyer for September!
Sounds good!!!
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