Thursday, May 14, 2009

FINALLY - Three Cups of Tea discussion

Please share your answers in the comment section. And please respond to others answers.

1. Please share what you learned from Greg Mortenson's experience.

2. What did you think of how the story was told? And what was your favorite part?

3. How has the sacrifice of Korphe and other villages made you reflect on your own education?

My Answers:
1. I'll be honest - I"m STILL not done, but a little past halfway. Although, you only have to read the first couple chapters before you are awed by Greg Mortenson. So far, it has made me think more about how I can help those around me. Also, I think Greg is a great example of learning others culture and not imposing your culture and belief system. It also amazes me how passionate he became about building the schools. Would I be willing to live out of my car in Berkley? I'm not so sure...

2. The story telling was a little slow, but I think that is because the author wanted his readers to understand the beauty of the region, their pace of life, and all the trials Mortenson endured. That being said, the pace is a struggle for me to get through, but I love reading about a part of the world I know little about. I've never thought much about K2, but the authors use of Mortenson and others experiences to paint a visual picture makes me want to go there! Crazy, I know!

And my favorite part (so far) is when Haj Ali gives up 12 rams (or half of Korphe's income) to the bully Haj in order to keep the school. He was so wise! It really shows that it isn't your formal education that makes a person wise, rather how they respond to life's challenges.

3. I totally take my education for granted! All my life I have, and I probably still do. Yet now I'm more grateful for our public school system, my teachers and the effort of my parents to make sure my siblings and I attended college.

What do you have to say?? I promise I'll read and comment back.


Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

1. Please share what you learned from Greg Mortenson's experience.
Wow, what an amazing man! It really made me stop and think about the difference I am making in the lives of others. Am I leaving a mark in this world? It's been really inspiring and made me want to do something. At the same time, I also realize that the time and effort I put into raising my kiddos right now is helping to leave a mark and it is an important work. I want to teach them to serve and give love and think about helping people in other countries. We actually got online and checked out the CAI web page and found information on the children's program Pennies for Peace. We've reserved his children's book at the library and I am looking forward to a home school unit study with this program as a theme.

2. What did you think of how the story was told? And what was your favorite part?
The story was slow at times. I think I got bogged down a bit with all the names. My favorite part... hmmm I loved each time he added someone to his team. It seemed like he was guided to all these great men and women who became part of his cause. I also loved each time he visited the village of Korphe. I really admire his wife and family for their sacrifice and willingess to support and encourage Greg in his goals.
3. How has the sacrifice of Korphe and other villages made you reflect on your own education?
You know it's funny, I didn't even think about my education. I guess I thought more about what I can do know to bless the lives of those around me as unshelfishly. I feel blessed to be free to educate my kids at home. I did appreciate the education he gives the reader on what really happens. I thought it was interesting that in the government briefings, the senators and congressmen/women weren't even aware of the reality of what was happening in these areas. I was appalled at the amount of broken promises. It made me grateful for Greg and the good work that he does.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed reading this book. I am in awe that one man was able to do so much for so many people. He is an amazing man!

Lisa Brown said...

1. Please share what you learned from Greg Mortenson's experience.

I was amazed at what he was able to accomplish, and at great personal sacrifice. He wasn't some rich benefactor just dishing out money, he had to suffer to get what he got for them. I also loved how you can see how he was guided to the right people all along the way.

2. What did you think of how the story was told? And what was your favorite part?

I thought the story was so slow, that it really took away from the impact of the book. I listened to it on CD, since that was the only copy I could get from the library, and it was still hard to get through.

My favortie part - that is hard. In the story, I thought the part where he was taken captive was the most exciting part of the book. It brought out the true realities of what he was trying to do, and in the end, it showed how EVERYONE needed what he was trying to give.

3. How has the sacrifice of Korphe and other villages made you reflect on your own education?

It made me very grateful for what I had. I knew from a very young age how good I had it, since my oldest sister derved a mission in Honduras when I was in 3rd grade. Seeing how those children lived, I knew I had to take advantage of what I had.

Very nice choice, even if it was slow. Oh, and I think we should move the discusion for May's book to the 15th of June, so everyone has time to read it :).

Lisa Brown said...

And remember, our book is now "The Guernsey LIterary and Potato Peel Pie Society." It is so wonderful, I can't wait for you all to read it!!

Melissa said...

Jessie - I love your perspective on how raising children is our great task to accomplish. I think that is so important to remember! And way to go incorporating this into home school!

Melissa said...

Crystal - He is amazing! So glad that someone took the time to share his story with us.

Melissa said...

Lisa - I hadn't thought about what a difference it makes to have someone get done and dirty, versus just donate money. It never would have happened if he hadn't been the one in the trenches.

So for next month's book - neither of my libraries have it and I can't afford to buy it off Amazon right now. I'm so annoyed! It looks really good. I even tried to find an audio version to download for cheap. I'll keep it up and see what I can find. And moving it to June 15 sounds like a good idea.

Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

I'm in the same boat with next month's book! Grrrrr! I'm going to request the library purchase the book. So the extra time is great!