Monday, March 9, 2009

Oo La la!

Everyone thank Lisa for our chic new look. I love it! Thanks so much for taking the time.

I'm still working on getting Christy from the library, but I hope the rest of you are enjoying reading it now.

Does anyone have any friends they would like to join the book club? Just email me their email address and I can send an invite. If you don't have my email, just leave a comment.

Thanks again, Lisa!


Kyla Marks said...

I love the new look, wow...

Lisa Brown said...

I'm so glad you like it! I also made the header in black and white or sepia, if you guys think it would look better :). And I just got Christy and am excited to read it.

Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

I just finished the book today and cried! It was so good. I love a book that involves me emotionally! Ladies enjoy! The blog does look great