Thursday, March 26, 2009


It's time for some bizzzness, ladies. For some reason, this picture seemed appropriate... Don't ask.

Christy discussion
Before we move on, please don't forget to post about Christy. I'm still waiting for my copy to come in at the library! SO LAME! I had this problem last month, too. Because I can see this becoming a regular problem for me and my little library branch, I'd like to request that we build a six month schedule.

6 month schedule
To build our schedule, please post what month you would like and what book you will choose. I know it is hard to choose books in advance, but it would be helpful for those of us who need to order from Amazon or have a huge lead time for their pokey little library.

You are welcome to speak up for months beyond our 6 month range and choose a book when we get closer.

New Members
Lisa gave me a list of her friends and their emails to add to our blog. If you would like to do the same thing, feel free to email me. We love new members! If you are a new member, we want to know who you are.
Please leave a comment telling us: a. your name, b. whereabouts your from, c. how you found us, d. what you are currently reading and e. what type of books you enjoy.

New Poll
There is a new poll question for you in the right hand corner.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

extra challenge!

Hey, not that there is a lot of extra time in a day, but I thought it would be fun to compare two books by the same author with a similar storyline. Robin McKinley has written two books following the storyline of Beauty and the Beast. Beauty is one of my all time favorite books and the second, I just found this week at the library. Rose Daughter, I thought was a sequel to Beauty, but it's not. It's another version and I thought it would be a fun challenge to read both versions and see what your thoughts were on the two. It's not an official book group book, just a side challenge for anyone interested.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

questions for Chisty

OK Ladies, I'm due anyday and bored so here's to boredom.

I loved this book. I'm a huge fan of the pioneer lifestyle anyway and love the reality that this book gives to that. I love that Christy feels like she is going back in time and through the experience opens her eyes to see not only the reality, but the beauty. I love the growth and personal development.

1. Which character did you find yourself drawn to?

2. Which character transformation did you enjoy most?

3. What theme struck you most?

4. Ask any question or comment as you wish!

5. Did you agree with the twist in the end?

I'll put my comments in the comment spot so I don't ruin the story for anyone eles?

Friday, March 13, 2009

A book club post for your kiddies

My cousin's wife has this adorable blog - Sarah Jane, Illustrating Childhood - where she shares her art and lots of fun ideas for kids. Her latest post featured a web site where you can actually download old record books. Do you remember listening to book on record as a child? I loved following along to my Disney story books. Sleeping Beauty and Snow White were always my favorite.

I love that someone has taken the time to make so many children stories available online. The site is called Kiddie Records

Check it out! I know it is one I will bookmark.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Oo La la!

Everyone thank Lisa for our chic new look. I love it! Thanks so much for taking the time.

I'm still working on getting Christy from the library, but I hope the rest of you are enjoying reading it now.

Does anyone have any friends they would like to join the book club? Just email me their email address and I can send an invite. If you don't have my email, just leave a comment.

Thanks again, Lisa!