I really enjoyed reading this book. All of her books in the Time series have been wonderful, so far as I have read.
1. If any haven't read the first 2 books, did you find any of the allusions to the first two books confusing, or were you able to stay with the story?
Having read the first 2 books, I didn't find the references to the first two books confusing. I also don't think that it would be confusing to someone who hasn't read them. They were there but you didn't need to know the stories to understand this one. It could stand as it's own.
2. How do you feel about the main premise of the book, Charles Wallace's search for the 'might have been', the one thing he could change in the past to completely alter the future?
I think it is totally possible to have one moment where you could venture down one path or another and completely change your future. Would it be cool to be able to go back and change something in the past, definitely, but I would have to be rock bottom bad to do that. I'd be afraid to do that now, I really like my life and the choices I made led me here, so I wouldn't want to change anything.
3. Anybody else have questions? My head is still stuffed up and I can't think.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
PS, Lisa, I think we should do an open call for whomever wants to host. I know I will need a couple months 'off' for my move. Anybody up for February?
1. I have never read the other books, and even though previous history was alluded to, I didn't find it distracting. I agree that the book easily stands alone.
2. I thought is was an extremely interesting premise. Just think if one person had made a choice to change a might have been that would have stopped Hitler, etc. Very thought provoking, especially because it had to be the RIGHT might have been.
3. I wish I still had the book, as I was trying to think of my favorite character, but can't remember any of their names besides Charles Wallace :). I guess I am not thinking clearly either.
Oh, and I can do February.
I really enjoyed the book. I read a Wrinkle in Time in High School and so I didn't remember it at all. The book definately stands all on it's own. I enjoyed it.
I liked the idea of going within with knowledge to change the past. I thought it was interesting and yet would be so challenging to pull yourself away from who you are and let yourself be within someone. I think I would struggle with not pushing my feelings on someone and trying to change it my way. I really liked the lesson Charles Wallace learned as to letting the higher power lead out. I think we can all apply that to letting the lord lead our lives.
I did find it a little bit confusing at times with the family history and names, but on the whole, I really enjoyed the whole book and loved the out come.
I will take March. The book of choice is Christy.
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