Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December Book

Sorry I am slacking. I am the December host this month and I think a good book to read is A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L'Engle. It is the third in her Time Quintet but the books for the most part stand on their own. I started it last night and it starts with Thanksgiving dinner so I think it is seasonally appropriate. Sorry for no picture, I will do that later. I'm doing this at work. :O

I will probably post the questions sometime before Christmas, my December is shaping up to be a busy one and I will have company over through New Year's.

I hope everyone enjoys the book!!


Melissa said...

Thanks for posting, Cat. I am slacking too. Hope no one is offended if I'm not too involved for the next couple months. I've got 3 more weeks until the baby comes and for some reason reading is just not as fun as normal. Sad, I know!

Does anyone want to volunteer to manage assigning hosts for the next 3-4 months?

Kyla Marks said...

I can do it Melissa that way you can get settled with the baby and Cat with her move. Does anyone object to having January be a month to take off after the holidays and all, of course everyone will read as we all seem to do, but then we can just post about what books we've read or reread and post about that. That way no one feels pressure this time of year after all the craziness.

Melissa said...

Thanks Kyla! And I love the January idea. Everyone speak now or hold your peace...

Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

january off sounds great!

Lisa Brown said...

January off sounds great. Oh, and I am almost finished with November's book :).

Kyla Marks said...

Speaking of almost finishing up books. I finally bought the 5 love languages and it's next after this month's book.