Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just Curious

I was just curious as to who has finished the book yet. I have to admit, I am eager to talk about it and get everyone's opinion, especially from those who have read Robyn Mckinnley books before. I feel like those old Walmart commercials (I think it was walmart) where the lady is there at the window at some unearthly hour of the morning waiting for the store to open so she could shop. hee hee


Lisa Brown said...

I finished last week, and am also anxious to discuss it.

Anonymous said...

ack!! I haven't even gotten it yet. is it worth buying? i don't know if i have time to go the library route.

Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

Personally I'd check it out at the library. It is very good, but I am not sure that it is one you will read over and over again.