Okay, my predictions for HP7.
Will Harry die?
No, I don't think so. I know the temptation is strong so that JK Rowling won't be harassed to continue the series, but it just doesn't make sense. Does it make sense for another character close to Harry to die....like Dumbledore in HP6? Yes, but Harry himself, no, I don't think so.
Whose side is Snape on? Why?
I think he is actually true to Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore knew that Draco was attempting to kill him the entire year, Snape knew as well b/c he's in the Order and Draco's Head of House. Snape made the unbreakable vow to help Draco fulfill his assignment. Dumbledore knows that sometimes sacrifices have to be made. I think he wanted to prevent his death by convincing Draco to go into hiding, thus freeing Draco and Snape from the murder/vow and thus living. Since it didn't happen, just as Harry was instructed by Dumbledore to do whatever he had to do to have Dumbledore drink the potion in the cave, I think Snape was bound by the same order. Were not Harry and Snape's reactions the same from the cave to the tower?
This is just for fun, but I would like to see Harry and Ginny back together. She's smart and Harry's equal in a lot of ways. They would have cute babies.
Those are the only questions that are burning my brain right now.
I hope Voldemort gets his butt whooped by a 17 year old.
Okay, it's not letting me put a title? Am I retarded or something?
I agree that it made sense to kill Dumbledore, however sad it was. But if they were to kill Harry, it would be stupid.
I think Snape is bad, but maybe I was too traumatized by Dumbledore's death to think otherwise.
And I also think Harry and Ginny need to get back together - she is awesome, strong, a fighter, and would be a tremendous support in his quest. Plus, I was really angry when they split up - it seemed pointless to me.
Okay - I think Snape is good for the same reason's as Cat.
They can't kill Harry - they just can't! It would start WWIII
Harry can't get together with Ginny until Voldemort is toast, or he will be placing her in danger. I bet Deatheaters will use anyone they can to get at Harry.
This book has so much to include for it to end the series! But I have faith in JK Rowling - she can do it!
Oh - what about the Dursley's? What are your predicitions on how they will be affected? I think something very bad will happen to them once the spell protecting Harry at their home ends on his seventeenth birthday. Thoughts?
Um, I think the Dursley's will be spared. Petunia may be brought into the fracas, but I think for the most part, Voldemort won't pay any attention to them. I am sure he can tell that Harry doesn't care much for them, and vice versa, and so why would he do anything to them, it wouldn't affect Harry as much as say, killing Lupin or someone else in the Order.
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