Friday, October 30, 2009

November Book

Sorry I have taken so long to post this ... but I have two books that I thought might be fun to read for our November book. The first is Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley. I know that we have already read two out of her books so far, so maybe it's a little much to read another, but it looked good and I have never read it before.

The other is Mrs. Mike by Benedict & Nancy Freedman. I haven't read this book in years, but it was one of the first that I read growing up, and has continued to hold a special place in my heart. I would love to read it again, but thought I would see how you all felt about either book. So, leave a comment, let me know what you think about which book you would rather read... I would love to read both, so I am good with either one. :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Scarlet Letter discussion....

Sorry this is a day late, had an unexpected childcare calling last night. It was fun, but was too tired to post when I got home. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed the book and had a wonderful month. Let's jump in...

1. For first time readers, what was your overall impression of the book? Was it what you expected or different somehow? For those reading this book again, did your opinion of the book change any? Was it more enjoyable or less this go around?

2. Can you identify with Hester at all? Do you condone her choices or condemn her?

3. What is your opinion on Hester's ability to forgive herself and society's ability to forgive?

4. Would you personally have named Pearl's father? Do you admire or admonish Hester for not giving the name?

5. What are you feelings on Hester's estranged husband Roger Chillingworth? How does that opinion change from the beginning/middle/end or does it stay the same for you?

6. Any final thoughts or your own question here?

I really enjoy the complexities in this book and will post my answers around lunch when all the kids go down for their nap.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October book is....

I haven't read this book since high school and at that time I had to, so I always enjoy revisiting books at different periods in my life. I enjoyed it back then and hope I can really delve into this time. I hope everyone is able to read this one and I look forward to the discussion at the end of the month. Let's shoot for Wednesday the 28th, that way we have a couple days for people to get their answers up.